Well, we’ve had a hectic few months here at NOMAD. In addition to trying to squeeze as many outdoor activities as possible into the typical one-month Pacific Northwest summer, we completely renovated Fats the trailer, stocked up our shop with our first round of artisan-made products, and then hit the road to take on Chicago! We had some adventures along the way (blown tire, cranky toddler), but arrived at Renegade Chicago the first weekend in September with mere hours to spare. And what a great day! We were so surprised and overwhelmed by the positive response to our trailer, products, and business. It certainly made all of our hard work seem worth it. We met so many great folks and fell a little more in love with the windy city. The next few days took us through Iowa City, Omaha, Mt. Rushmore, and Missoula before we pulled our weary car back into Bellingham. What an adventure, and what a great way to start this journey with our business!
We’d love to thank all those we met along the way, and all those who helped get us ready for the road- particularly our amazingly talented and generous friends James Reisen, Matthew Linville, Jack & Mary Jo Dranttel, and Jen Castaldo, to name a few. No step in this process would have been possible without the love, encouragement, physical help, financial advice, babysitting, and numerous other contributions of those around us.
We are so truly lucky.